31 Mar The biggest update to the NDIS since it was first established!
New important legislation has passed that improves the NDIS experience
In late March of 2022, the Australian government delivered the most significant improvements to NDIS participant experience since the NDIS was first established in 2013.
After 2 years of comprehensive consultation with NDIS participant, their providers, support workers and the broader community this reform that reduces red tape has been approved.
It’s thanks to all the advocates for the disability community’s, peak bodies and NDIS providers that worked with the Minister for the NDIS that these have passed in parliament.
These reforms reduce the red tape that has affected flexibility for participants, their families and their carers and improving the experience of using and accessing the NDIS. These improvements were originally suggested in the 2019 tune review and have since been built upon.
Amongst other things this means that for participants, any changes to their plans can be done without the need for lengthy reviews anymore. Another major update is that payments are made easier now which means that participants won’t need to use their own money for claim reimbursements and services and now allows for real-time reporting of participant budget balances.
On top of these reforms the government has invested $157 billion for the NDIS over the next four years. Doing so the Government is demonstrating their commitment to the NDIS.
The last major bill that passed was an amendment for the NDIS which was for improving supports for at Risk Participants. This bill was passed in October 2021. The bill is for helping to protect NDIS participants from the risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation.
For more information: NDIS article
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